Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The people who work here are very special. Even before they invested in the new plant, they invested in the workforce. Everybody was involved in the planning of the operation. Every operation had and input to ensure it worked out. Everybody is part of the team at Halewood.
It was also a culture shock for older workers who had been in the industry for decades. They had grown up in the era when, frankly, mediocre cars left the factories and came close to destroying the reputation of British workmanship. All that has changed.
In the past, you only hit the safety button that shut down the lines in an emergency. These days, if there’s the slightest doubt about quality, the line is shut down unit it is sorted. Quality is a massive issue, it’s an amazing experience to stand in the spotlessly clean assembly hall the biggest building site in Europe just six years ago watching new Freelander 2s emerge. 

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