Sunday, December 26, 2010


The empire’s three phase plan to subjugate earth is behind schedule. Phase 1 is completed crisis. Phase 2 require that we immobilize all transport, since Earthlings have only two main activities driving, and watching coloured light boxes. We would disable these boxes in phase 3 of the plan. Earthlings could then easily be abducted we already know that their brain are almost completely rotted by the coloured light boxes.
At the moment the plan is in phase 2 immobilising all transport. We have made it expensive for earthlings to buy fuel, but they continue to drive. Our problem is with earth vehicle technology. The earth subjugation plan is out of date; new information has not been incorporated. Most earth vehicle now has electronic engine management systems and our engine stalling rays have no effect on them. Only on older earth vehicle is there any effect. Mighty emperor, you beg your forgiveness.

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