Tuesday, December 14, 2010


How to refitted front suspension lower wishbone arm. The lower arm is a bit more a complex. Disconnect TRE, then remove nut and bolt that holds suspension start to wishbone , arm fix to chassis by cam bolt washers. Mark relative piston of washers to chassis brackets, remember highlight with marker.

 Remove cam bolt assemblies and store carefully for refitting back to original positions to preserve wheel geometry. Undo the spilt lower knuckle joint. Then remove hub and axle nut. Use a drift to tap axle and back through hub knuckle assembly. That splits the hub knuckle from the axle which allows the outer end if the lower arm and its boll joint to be lifted out of the knuckle, and the arm removed from the vehicle for re bushing in the same way as the upper arm. After re bushing, tab the lower arm back into position, fit and tighten knuckle joint. Tighten the hub nut and bend its locking ring into the shaft groove, but leave the damper bolt out, and leave the cam bolts loose at the chassis.

Raise the suspension using a jack under the knuckle, to achieve right distance from axle center to wheel arch top and align cam bolt assemble to their marks, tighten to specified torque. All that’s left is tore assemble remaining components.           

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