Sunday, December 5, 2010


By sticking to the tracks and driving responsibility, you could drive in even the most sensitive ecosystem and not threaten the environment a 4 WD could potentially damage is the environment in the immediate area surrounding the track. Even if 4WDs do damaging to a track, they are after all only damaging the track and how accessible that tracks is to other vehicles not to the environment. Too often land management groups throw blanket statements around claiming how much damage to the environment 4WDers cause. 4Wwdeers will nearly always stick to the tracks, as this is typically where the challenges such as muddy ruts, hill climbs and rock ledges lie.
Let’s start with the new high way shall we? What’s that? It’s not a four wheel drive track? NO, its a major highway. Has been since the days of the bullocks a hundred years ago. Stretches of it still weren’t sealed when I was a teenager, but since then they’ve taken out plenty of bad corners, smoothed the worst section and put in heaps of passing lanes too once outside the towns you don’t have to look hard to see old bits of discarded road.
Correction, you do have to look hard. These bits of road that were carved from the bush by the bullocks, whipped into shape by coaches and drays. Had oil and fuel dripped on them since the first cranks spun piston and then were sealed, patched and resealed with hot tar and gravel for another 40or 50 years guess what? They’re hard to see. Have a look at any highway in the world. You’ll see the same story replayed.            

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