Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Scrape the old rust off the cross member and remove all the flaky bits. if the rust is encrusted, you may need to tap it with the hammer to loosen the layers. Then wire brush the surface and paint with paint remove over it. That will arrest the remaining rust, converting it and preventing the corrosion from returning. Then paint over it with whatever finishes if you like. It’s claimed the rust won’t restart, even if you don’t paint over it. It’s not the cheapest rust treatment, but it works really well it’s used on ships and oil rings.
use it on your wheel, too rub the rust down with coarse emery cloth to smooth out the rust pits and the runs of the paint. Then apply any rust off (warth some rust off stuff) and spray with filler leveler paint to gain a smoother surface. Finish off using a quality household paint from one of the major brands, not cheapo store brands. Use masking tape around the valve and apply the finish with a good quality brush. You’ll get a smooth, shiny finish that will be tough, and easy to touch up when necessary.                

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