Monday, December 6, 2010


In some cases a torque wrench cannot be used with the usual box spanner. By testing out with a dummy bolt held in a vice and applying a torque wrench, you can get an accurate feel for different torque settings. Check just hove much effort is needed to achieve the desired force. Or, weld and old socket to the end of your box spanner and fit your half inch torque wrench to it.
Half shaft is withdrawn after removing flange bolts. (Red oil on both sides of the oil seal land center), confirm the seal’s failure. Remove the two caliper bolt, unclip the brake pipes, and secure the caliper clear of the disc by tying it to support the weight. prise lock tab washer from wheel bearing’s lock nut. The failed seal has allowed oil into the bearing contaminating the grease and remove the outer lock nut using correct box spanner. Lift out the lock washer, the spacer washer, and the outer bearing. The hub assembly can now be lifted off and put safely to side. Remove flange bolts and the dirt shield then carefully flange. The seal is in the stub shaft. The stub shaft has been cleaned and we’re looking at its rear which mates with the axle casing. The offending failed seal fitted here. Push a new seal into the stub shaft’s rear face so that coil spring faces axle.

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