Saturday, January 15, 2011


Driving around the tracks at les comes, we encounter a few tricky rock section that demand low speed and precise control to avoid damaging the expensive alloy wheels or the underside. And it makes it so easy. A couple of steep climbs test performance from near standstill, but it shrugs them off with smooth, strong, controllable power.

All of the vehicle’s advanced off roading aids will flatter anyone’s driving ability, but even off road experts will savour its impeccable control in off road conditions. The trickiest off road section we drive is a downhill series of rock slabs with water cascading down them, leading to a wooden bridge across a gap.
The rain gets heavier and the clay surface become more testing for a Pirelli Scorpion road biased tyres and the Range Rover’s traction control. On a couple of cambers, the pull of gravity is greater than the friction between the tyres and the track surface, so the vehicle slithers sideways. 

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