Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Take a look at the bottom end of the steering box. If there’s a little brass clamp attached by two bolts and with a hole through it, that’s the earliest steering box. This has a Bakelite horn push which fixes to a tube inside the column that doesn’t move.
So, when the wheel turns, the horn push doesn’t rotate. The later steering boxes have a simple square blanking plate at the bottom, and the horn push or blank wheel centre has teeth at the edge of the rim. If you look at the inner face of your steering wheel center top edge you’ll be able to see vertical grooves if this type has been pushed into the wheel centre, where the teeth have scored the metal. Horn on the bulkhead? It’s debateable, but a horn push on an outrigger bracket ought to be okay.
After all, it’s what Rover fitted to some models. However I suggest you get an 80 inch parts catalogue and delay doing anything about the horn until you have taken a hard look at the rest of the vehicle and totaled up what other work is needed   

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